I will try to post every week on Saturday/Sundays. You'll probably want to know things that happened this week and I'm sure i will forget some things but I'll give you as much information as possible.

1st picture: My little sisters ;) ,
2nd picture: Me and Cecilie (exchange student from Norway)
3rd picture: Me and Carl having some Frozen Yogurt from Orange Leaf ( love it! )
4th picture: Maddie Gish, Me, Maddie Ziller and Cecilie at the football game :)
So, this week was my first full week in school and it went pretty fast! We got our netbooks at school this week and mine's still not working... Shame on you NHS ;) School was pretty chill this week and I made it into Concert Choir! I'm also in Yoga class and these classes are sooo amazing :) I got kicked out of the soccer team too, because i'm not eligible to play.. It has been a hot week with some very nice weather in here but there wasnt very much happening at school this week. But then came the weekend, it isn't over yet but i already had an amazing time this weekend! I've been to lots of Stores and new Restaurants / Fast food restaurants. I also met my new host family today and theyre very nice! They have 2 children who still live at home ( Julia and Abigail ) and 2 other daughters who already live in their own houses. I also went to my first American Football game and I loved it! You can't even imagine how much fun we had that night after the game at Carl's house, where we had a big Party ( btw Carl's the most amazing American guy ever!) and we did lots of fun stuff! Then today I met my new host family like I already told you and we went to a Barbeque restaurant and offcourse I had to take the ribs and they were amazing!! After this we went to Sweet Cece's ( frozen yogurt place ) and after that we went to the mall where I bought some really amazing Hollister clothes! We also went to their house and I must say it looks pretty amazing and big! They also have some computers and an Ipad I can use to skype with my friends/family so I think it couldn't get any better ;) The weekend still isnt over because I'm planning some stuff to do right now and tomorrow we have another day + It's Mark's Birthday!!! Happy Birthday Mark, let's have a big party!
Ps: Restaurants been to in the USA: Mcdonalds, Wendy's, Orange leaf, Sweet Cece's, Red Robin ( huuuuuge Hamburgers ) and Shylers ( Love the ribs there :) )